About me

I’m Jannik Hansen – a Dane that left Denmark at 19 years old. I started my first business as a teenager. I found my wife when I was 23 years old and today in my mid 30’s and we have three kids together (so 11+ years in… counting💪).

On this blog I’m going to write about everything from my role as a dad, husband but also how I cope with my work life.

After leaving Denmark, I’ve lived in 6 different countries. I guess even we are a family now, you could still call us slow-digital nomads.

My wife and I have our own Youtube channel, where we primarily help other expats into new countries (Portugal for now).

Building in public

I’m a great fan of building software. But also – of the movement of Building-in-Public (IndieHackers). This is my way to share what I am learning. What progress I make. What I find that works and the things that goes straight in the bin.

If we need to talk – or if you want to be interviewed for this channel – lets talk. [email protected]

I would love to speak to either people on the movement, entrepreneurs or anyone who think they may have something to add to the community.

Check out my Youtube channel for this.

Entrepreneurial life (Active businesses)

GreenForm (English) (shipping Worldwide 🌍)
At GreenForm, I contribute to a team dedicated to sustainable innovation through eco-friendly Danish design products. We specialise in creating versatile cardboard solutions for exhibitions and office setups, including fold-up displays, A-signs, counters, podiums, noise-reducing walls, and transport boxes.

Our products are designed for practicality, durability, and environmental consciousness, featuring easy foldability and robust materials. Emphasizing responsibility and sustainability, GreenForm aims to reduce environmental impact while maintaining high standards of functionality and design.

GreenForm Norway

GreenForm Sweden

GreenForm Germany

GreenForm Denmark

Profectify LLC
We provide consulting services within software development, coaching, HR and run a few smaller SaaS businesses.

OnPrint A/S 🇩🇰
I’m involved with tech and marketing responsibilities (CTO/CMO) for a smaller printing company in Denmark.

Our services range from digital printing to offset and large-format printing, catering to diverse customer needs. We pride ourselves on maintaining high environmental standards, offering greener products produced locally to help clients meet ESG requirements. With over a century of industry experience, OnPrint excels in delivering high-quality, eco-friendly printing solutions while ensuring rapid delivery and stringent environmental control.

Box+ ApS 🇩🇰
I’m a founding partner of the self-storage in Holbæk, Denmark. We’ve built a complete self-storage site, where it’s 100% self-managed. This means that we have automated technology, no padlocks and all people need is simply just their iPhone. It’s a no-key concept from A-Z.

Reklameblokke.dk 🇩🇰
A concept of notespad provided for free use at schools and libraries in Denmark. Paid by local businesses that buys unique advertisement. 12 months worth of advertisement cost €400’ish, which makes it affordable for many businesses without sizeable marketing budgets.

CoWork+ ApS 🇩🇰
I’m a founding partner of a Co-working space in Holbæk. We offer anything from address service to rent a desk, meeting room etc. We also provide address service to businesses that needs a professionel address to receive their mail or for the authorities.

Gullhoj A/S 🇩🇰
I have the marketing responsibilities of the book company Gullhoj – which is primarily delivering educational books to the Scandinavian market.